I remember the Millennium bug.
I remember a stuffed dog, a wire-haired terrier, in a glass case, I think at Clapham Junction station, used for collecting for charity.
I remember my Afghan coat - it smelled rotten when it rained.
I remember seeing Grimms with Keith Moon on drums at Kingston Poly. John Gorman was brilliant. They seemed to go on all night.
I remember seeing The Incredible String Band at the Roundhouse performing
I remember seeing Adam Faith in panto at Wimbledon Theatre.
A Lonely Pup was his hit at the time and I seem to remember him giving a real puppy away to a girl who went up on stage.
I remember amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant.
I remember: "We have a nine eleven, armed robbery in progress, C Surplus Store, corner of People's Drive (or was it Peebles Drive?) and 124th Street." And I remember: "Hey, hey, hey - let's be careful out there."
I remember Alistair Wisker giving me a book of his poetry. He also came to the school (he was an old Tiffinian as well) to see a show and brought his wife Gina. She wore a fur coat. She was nice. I tried but didn't manage to talk the Tiffin Arts Society committee into booking him for a poetry reading. I remember finding out only recently that he had died from cancer.
I remember Painting by Numbers.
I remember I remember Rod Dean, English master at Tiffin, telling me I didn't stand "a snowball's chance in hell" of getting into Oxbridge.
I remember my OU lecturer at the end of one course telling me she was leaving, and that she had saved my assignment until last as she knew it would enjoy it.
I remember a vet who used to bring his mobile phone with him to parents' evenings at my daughter Charlie's school when he was on call. It was the first mobile phone I had seen and was the size of a small briefcase.