I remember Lily Rose. I’m not sure she made it on to the container.
I remember giving Leah a piggyback most of the way from Kew Gardens back to the car. She had a bad ankle that day and the walk round the gardens had been too much for her.
I remember saying goodbye to Charlie at the airport. I remember trying to tell her I hope it all goes well and that you settle down and are happy. All that would come out was a series of high pitched squeaks. I texted her later.
I remember Keira at the airport saying: 'I think Graham's going to miss his daughter.'
I remember turning the car stereo up so I wouldn't be bothered by strange noises from the engine. That was in my Hillman Imp days. The big ends went and I changed them. You remove the oil sump on an Imp and tackle the big ends from below. Easy peasy.
I remember Debbie Dyer’s monkey. Or rather the tales she would tell at work about it escaping.