I remember a work colleague whose first name I believe was Richard telling me that Colman made his fortune from the mustard that people left on the side of their plate. He was a graduate of Imperial College and used to go off with its Gilbert and Sullivan society for two weeks a year to perform in Sidmouth. He had a moustache. Glasses. Northern accent. I think we went to see The Exorcist together, the first time I felt that thing down the back of my neck when the priest throws himself out of the window and that of which I have probably already written.
I remember singing the bass part of the Marcels’ Blue Moon every time I put the record on or heard it on the radio. I still do it. It goes: Bom b b bom b bom b bom bom b b bom b b bom bom b dang g dang dang g ding a dong ding blue moon blue moon blue moon d d d d d etc etc. Confession: I just checked! Though now it’s playing on a CD rather than a 45.
I remember the Television Favourites Comic Annual. They (our favourites) were all cowboys and animals, such as the Lone Ranger, Matt Dillon, Lassie and Rin-Tin-Tin.
I remember Mr Potato Head before he was famous.