I remember buying Keith Waterhouse’s Jubb on Amazon. I thought it would be a lot easier than finding my original copy, but I can’t remember where I put it.
I remember Ezra Pound's poem about a shopgirl. About being blown away by such a girl. I knew exactly what he meant.
I remember the Gadget Shop.
I remember when all butchers seemed to have at least two fingers missing.
I remember It’s Not Unusual missing from the Tubes’ live recording of the Hammersmith concerts, which I thought was a shame as I had really enjoyed Fee Waybill’s interpretation of this minor classic. I presumed it was a licensing problem. I never did get round to buying the album on CD, so I was delighted when I found on Nathan’s Classic Rock Moat a bootleg recording of the Boston concert on the same tour which has loads of the Tubes’ theatricality still intact, some great guitar and synth sounds, and of course the slightly wonderful It’s Not Unusual.
I remember becoming quite adept at changing the elastic bands that used to drive the mechanism in my first Panasonic video recorder.
I remember the smell of the late Ben Lyon’s after shave. Perhaps not its actual smell, but that it smelled.