I remember a member of Roxy Music complaining that, with Brian Eno around, they would play a few notes and what seemed like three weeks later they would emerge sounding completely different.
I remember the snotty little kid who was climbing on the seat opposite me on the bus earlier today banging my guitar case and looking at me and smiling - I paused and smiled right back. Her elder sister did not have a snotty nose but had gorgeous big brown eyes and sort of stroked my guitar case but she was all of four years old so we won't say any more on the subject. Anyway, snot-nose realised she wasn't annoying me by hitting my guitar case so she started to unzip my rucksack and laugh like that kid in The Simpsons - hna hna. I just zipped it back up and she unzipped it so I zipped it up and gave her a look. She then got bored with me and started climbing on the back of the seat - I wouldn't have wanted to be the woman in front. All the while her mother - if that's the right term - was standing in the pushchair part of the bus having a row with someone on her mobile phone. And we're talking about an intimate relationship type of row here. Totally out of control. But the thing that interested me was that I was completely cool with this little kid - though I'd rather she hadn't had a snotty nose - banging my guitar case. The guitar was quite safe... and...
I remember Zippy - our friends' springer spaniel - being so excited to see us that she weed over my guitar case. And my guitar is fine.
I remember the snotty little kid who was climbing on the seat opposite me on the bus earlier today banging my guitar case and looking at me and smiling - I paused and smiled right back. Her elder sister did not have a snotty nose but had gorgeous big brown eyes and sort of stroked my guitar case but she was all of four years old so we won't say any more on the subject. Anyway, snot-nose realised she wasn't annoying me by hitting my guitar case so she started to unzip my rucksack and laugh like that kid in The Simpsons - hna hna. I just zipped it back up and she unzipped it so I zipped it up and gave her a look. She then got bored with me and started climbing on the back of the seat - I wouldn't have wanted to be the woman in front. All the while her mother - if that's the right term - was standing in the pushchair part of the bus having a row with someone on her mobile phone. And we're talking about an intimate relationship type of row here. Totally out of control. But the thing that interested me was that I was completely cool with this little kid - though I'd rather she hadn't had a snotty nose - banging my guitar case. The guitar was quite safe... and...
I remember Zippy - our friends' springer spaniel - being so excited to see us that she weed over my guitar case. And my guitar is fine.