Thursday, February 22, 2007

I remember Ali Wellobbs. Well that's how Uncle Vic used to say it. We thought he was joking, which he usually was, but he insisted he was an actor. And he was - but his name was Halliwell Hobbs. You see we didn't have much more than three channels in those days, so no endless repeats of old films, and we didn't have the Internet Movie Database to check on either.

I remember when Martin Simpson was over here on tour one year (he had previously moved to the States) I followed him around the Home Counties going to every gig in range, taking in the Ram, Nettlebed and Banbury (or was it Newbury?). He must have thought he had a stalker. He's back living over here now so I don't feel the need quite so much.

I remember singing Yarmouth Town in a festival singaround with several of the Wilson Family in attendance. They made me sound quite good.

I remember "Music and Movement". It was on the radio and we had to be down in the school hall at the right time for it. Thursday mornings I think it was.

I remember I used to cry every time I saw Lord of the Flies at the bit where they kill Simon. That was watching it on a big screen. Although I cry during every episode of ER and that's on a small screen.


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